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AWS Consulting and Application Development

Successful delivery AWS-managed solutions by our dedicated team of AWS experts. Unlock numerous business benefits by leveraging AWS's computing, storage, and databases.

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AWS Consulting and Application Development

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world's most widely deployed cloud platform with broad capabilities, delivering over 200 full-featured data center services worldwide. Millions of customers, including growth-leading startups, the largest corporations, and cutting-edge government agencies, use multiple AWS services to lower costs, increase agility, and accelerate innovation. All of the services offered by the AWS cloud computing platform allow customers to create a cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and deploy software as a service (SaaS) products hosted on AWS and grant buyers access to the software in your AWS environment.

    Overview of our Amazon Web Services

    • AWS Cloud Migration

      AWS Cloud Migration

      By AWS migrate, we mean any workload migration from on-premises, hosting, or other public clouds to AWS services. Softwarium has helped many clients move various workloads, such as websites, existing applications, databases, storage gateway, physical and virtual servers, or entire data centers to the AWS platform. Drawing on years of experience, we've developed a comprehensive and proven approach to cloud data migration on Amazon Web Services so you can quickly reap the benefits for your business.

    • AWS Cloud Solutions for Data and Analytics

      AWS Cloud Solutions for Data and Analytics

      AWS offers a wide range of cloud computing services to allow users to quickly receive the necessary answers due to the analysis of the entire data array. This includes AWS cloud-based databases, like AWS Redshift, Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon ElastiCache, making extracting the needed insights from your data a lot easier. In addition to the cloud computing database, we can help you achieve real-time analytics with AWS Kinesis. We have worked with all types of AWS cloud databases and can help you achieve the needed results.

    • Cloud-Native Architectures

      Cloud-Native Architectures

      Cloud-native architecture takes advantage of services such as EC2, AWS Lambda, Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service), and many others to pave the way for agile application development and take a modular approach to building, running, and updating your application. Softwarium can help you get all the benefits of a cloud-native architecture while taking care of all the challenges. These include security risks for rapidly scaled containers or complex interdependencies when transitioning from a legacy application to microservices.

    • AWS DevOps Services

      AWS DevOps Services

      Without an established DevOps pipeline in place, teams can experience difficulties managing the distributed workflow and responsibilities involved in microservices. DevOps engineers at Softwarium have more than a decade of experience using AWS DevOps tools to automate manual tasks and help your teams manage complex environments at scale. We can also help automate monitoring, security requirements, and backup services. With AWS automation tools, you can automatically build, test and deploy your application to AWS or your on-premises environment.

    • AWS Mobile App Development

      AWS Mobile App Development

      When creating a mobile application, there are certain key areas application providers need to get exactly right. These include user sign-in/sign-up management, social login, push notifications, and many others. There are also additional data services like cloud storage, real-time/offline data, and cloud functions you need to account for. Softwarium engineers have extensive experience with creating AWS mobile applications and application deployment. Our AWS app development includes a combination of modular architecture patterns that will enable your organization to innovate faster while reducing risk, performance issues and time to market.

    • AWS Serverless App Development Services

      AWS Serverless App Development Services

      Serverless computing allows you to build and run applications and services in a cloud environment without worrying about the servers. The application will still run on the existing infrastructure of servers, but Amazon Web Services will be fully responsible for infrastructure operations and managing these servers. Softwarium has extensive experience developing serverless applications, and our AWS developers will be able to build and deploy your application using cost-effective services that provide built-in application availability and flexible scalability.

    Benefits of Amazon AWS Services

      • Flexibility icon


        AWS services allow you to choose the operating system, programming language, databases, and other benefits you will need. Amazon web services provide you with a virtual environment to load the services and software that your application requires.

      • Cost Savings icon

        Cost Savings

        With AWS, you can pay as you go to only pay for the computing power you use. There are no long-term contracts or upfront commitments.

      • Reliability icon


        AWS offers a scalable, reliable, and secure global computing infrastructure that ensures maximum uptime.

      • Scalability icon


        Take advantage of AWS Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancer tools to make your application scalable up and down based on demand. AWS offers you access to computing and storage resources whenever you need them.

      Why Should I choose Softwarium AWS developers for AWS development services?

      Softwarium has been an early adopter of cloud computing since the first release of AWS in 2006. Over the past decade, the dedicated team of AWS experts has successfully delivered AWS-managed solutions that rely on AWS's computing, storage, and databases. A comprehensive portfolio of popular services includes developing native, hybrid strategy options and serverless applications. Contact us for a full assessment of your final project and to learn more about how we can help you.

      Why Should I choose Softwarium AWS developers for AWS development services?
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